Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Decktron update here 11-01-12

I'm well versed in how to run blogs due to other blogging ventures that will more than likely be no interest to you, so I'm gonna pull my finger out for the first time in months and help out with PTG airsoft. Carmont has the necessary brain cells to up date the blog however I thought I'd chip in now and then.

So I'm Decktron, also known as Deck, been a member of PTG for a while now and was also in the first video. Right now I'm getting all stoked for SWAT at the end of this month. Stoked for finally getting this M4 fixed soon (more about that later). And the fact I'll soon own an M203 (it's like becoming a man, but more balls). 

So as for the M4, I bought an M4 cqbr, rails up the wazoo, Magpul fancy pants parts and stuff and it looks really pretty. How ever it's all fur coat and no knickers and the bugger doesn't fire. My limited knowledge is saying wiring, buttttttt, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE ABOUT INTERNALS. I'm not like Carmont, internals scare me, I don't have any disposable income, I cannot risk buggering up this AEG for life, I don't wanna know about internals. In the eternal words of people with more money than sense, I'll get the guy to have a look at it. Oh and it's a G&P, PTG+G&P=Disaster.

I've got quite a bit of new kit since the player profile so long a go and look forwards to showing it off tomorrow, the kit ranges from the gucci to the rag tag. But I must go for my bed beckons. Peace out.


1 comment:

  1. All I want to say after reading your post is that in recent years, the M4 configuration has gained popularity among civilian shooters and collectors.


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